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Protasius Robet 1), Ir Gusti Z Ansari, MES, PhD and Ir. Bambang Widiarso, MP 2)  
1)      Faculty of Agriculture, University Tanjongpura and 2) Lecturer of the Faculty of Agriculture, University Tanjongpura 
Peat soil is soil that is formed from the remnants of brackish water swamp forest vegetation (mangrove) or freshwater swamp forests. Important factors that affect the formation of peat is the climate, topography and soil chemical properties of water. Therefore, most of the peat is formed in the area subtropiks namely if: (1) Plants can grow and experience accumulated in the waterlogged conditions, supply nutrients to plants is possible because stagnant water is rich in mineral element, it will form the peat Bansin or fen peat ; (2) Distribution of annual rainfall exceeds evaporation of soil it will form the peat dome. Peatlands in the tropics constituent materials derived from woody plants that have a very long regeneration time. (Noor, 2001).
This study aimed to study the depth of the ground water level relationships with some of the physical properties of peat under oil palm plantations. ata will be observed surface conditions (relief) and the groundwater level relationship with some physical properties of peat.
 The research was conducted on peat areas already planted with oil palm over the age of 10 years located in the oil palm plantation of PT Bumi Pratama Equator (CPC) located in the village of Mega East River District Ambawang Kubu Raya, and then proceed with the analysis of soil physical properties in the laboratory of Physics and Faculty of Agriculture Soil Conservation Tanjongpura Pontianak.
Groundwater Depth relations Face With Depth Peat        negatively correlated, meaning more and more in the thickness of the peat, then the lower soil water levels. with a value of R = -0.46 (moderate). Gravimetric Water Content Relationship with Groundwater Depth Front negatively correlated with mean higher KAG KAG, the soil water level is getting low, with a value of R = -0.25 (Low). Volumetric Water Content Relationship with Groundwater Depth Front negatively correlated with mean higher KAV KAV, then the lower the soil water level.With a value of R = -0.31 (Low). Ground water level relationship with a dry bulk density of peat at the study site had nothing to do with the value of R = -0.09 (Very Low). BJP relationship with Advance Groundwater Depth Positively Correlated means higher Thickness particles, the water level is also increasingly High land with a value of R = 0.69 (Strong). Relations with the ground water level in the peat Porosity study site Positive correlation means that the higher the porosity , then the water level is also increasingly High land with a value of R = 0.53 (moderate). The depth of the groundwater table relationships negatively correlated with contact angle means that the higher the contact angle, the more the ground water level Low, the value of R = -0.34 strength of the relationship is (Low).
Keywords: Peat, Physical, Relief, Palm Oil,

For more details about the Thesis entitled Relation of Ground Water Depth Advances With Some Physical Properties of Peat In Oil Palm Plantation please download the complete thesis here in one piece.
  1. Front Thesis
  2. Chapter I-II-III-IV-V
  3. References - Appendix
Hope it is useful.


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